Kể từ mười tám tháng tư,
Canh-thìn lưu chữ thiện-từ tới đây.
Cho làng Nhơn-Nghĩa biết Thầy,
Đem truyền mối đạo thang mây chỉ chừng.
Nay vì thời vận chuyển luân,
Ở trong cõi tạm đã từng đổi thay.
Cầu cho già trẻ gái trai,
Rủ nhau niệm Phật liên-đài ắt lên.
Thế-gian ngay thảo đáp đền,
Ngày sau sẽ được chăn mềm thơm-tho.
Tục kêu là rạch Xà-No,
Vàm kinh ông Bổn eo-co khúc đường.
Ngày Thầy lìa cách quê-hương,
Về đây nương ngụ bởi thương dân lành.
Phủi trần xóa bỏ lợi danh,
Quyết lòng lánh trược tầm thanh mai chiều.
Thuở xưa thời buổi Thuấn-Nghiêu,
Thái-bình thạnh-trị mến yêu khắn tình.
Chớ đâu đồ-thán sanh-linh,
Bởi nay lỗi đạo kệ kinh ngạo cười.
Lo cho mình được đẹp tươi,
Phụ-phành nghĩa cả lại cười Phật Tiên.
Luật Trời báo ứng nhãn tiền,
Khắp trong thiên-hạ đảo huyền từ nay.
Ra đi để lại một bài,
Cho trong bổn-đạo hôm mai rèn lòng.
Băng chừng tách dậm xa trông,
Dân-sanh gặp trận trời long hầu kề.
Tới lui bùa thuốc bộn-bề,
dời khỏi cửa ra về phủi ơn.
Thấy đời tu dối khuyên lơn,
Từ đây sửa lại gặp cơn thái-bình.
Phật Trời đâu dụng phép linh,
Chỉ dùng đạo-đức mặc tình ghét ưa.
Nghinh-ngang làm thiếu lấy thừa,
Mẹ cha chẳng kể dối lừa ngỗ-ngang.
Ngày nay mới đến Phật-đàng,
Niệm một tiếng Phật đòi an bịnh liền.
Chậm lành chê Phật ngạo Tiên,
Rồi sau tội nghiệp liên-miên tới mình.
Dương-trần phú trọng bần khinh,
Mãng lo bươi móc cầu vinh thân phàm.
Biết sao đầy được túi tham,
Không ngăn không đáy càng làm không kiêng.
Mỉa-mai đến kẻ tu hiền,
Làm cho thỏa chí mới yên giấc nồng.
Gẫm đời bụng dạ gai chông,
Nên còn khổ sở trời đông túng nghèo.
Nhìn dân ruột thắt gan teo,
Rán tầm gậy cũ mà leo qua bờ.
Nếu không, gặp cảnh bơ-vơ,
Thuyền ghe chẳng có bến bờ cũng không.
Một mai thấy được non Bồng,
Cảnh Tiên rực-rỡ mây rồng đẹp thay.
Lại thêm thấy chốn Phật-đài,
Không già không bịnh chẳng ngày nào lo.
Bây giờ lão lại thúc đò,
Đưa qua bến giác dông to tới nhà.
Vậy mà còn ghét kệ ca,
Không gây tình cảm để già nhọc khuyên.
Thương đời ta phải truân-chuyên,
Bạc-Liêu xứ ấy ta liền đến nơi.
Giã từ bổn-đạo ít lời,
Gìn câu nguyện vái chớ lơi nghĩa Thầy.
Since the Eighteenth of April, Metal Dragon,
Here the merciful word markedly comes on.
I let the Nhon Nghia village know Master,
Teaching how to climb the heavenly ladder.
Now it is ‘cause of the turn of destiny,
Temporal changes have proven many.
I urge boys and girls, elders and youngsters,
Amida prayer will help get on lotus towers.
If the worldly have paid off their filial debts,
They’ll be rewarded with fragrant blankets.
People named it the Xa No rivulet,
Its Ông Bổn canal mouth has turns and twists.
Long since I left the native village,
Back here I stay over as my mass base.
I wiped off all my material and titular lure,
Firmly from dawn to dusk, I sought the pure.
Formerly during the Shun-Yao era,
Their good rule brought people closer.
Their policies never left people disgruntled,
Unlike now sutras is mocked by the immoral.
They just care for their attractive look,
They neglect their duties and slur Sainthood.
Heavenly Justice applies in any minute,
The entire world will hereafter be destitute.
I depart leaving a moral behind,
For adherents to practice day and night.
From miles away, at intervals, I watch on,
The worldly are gonna to see an armageddon.
Many frequent Me for talismans and drugs,
No sooner have they left than they’d shrugged.
Seeing their practice being faked, I admonish,
They’ll find peace if they relinquish.
The Supreme don’t wield the power of God,
But use morality no matter if they like or not.
They are unscrupulous and insolent,
Fraudulent, they disregard their parents.
Today having just arrived at Buddha’s shrine,
Only a word prayed, they wanna be fine.
Slowly recovering, they criticize the Holy,
Then they’ll suffer misery after misery.
People esteem the rich and despise the poor,
For self-interest, they’re busy digging others.
Provided they can fill up their pockets,
They keep bluntly executing their rackets.
They even satirise ethical practicers,
Only if they’re satiated and can slumber.
I muse that societal minds are trappy,
Therefore, they still suffer wintry poverty.
The sights of folks put Me in a dreary plight,
Seek the old walking stick to cross the dike.
If not, you may become a homeless,
No place to go to nor a horizon to compass.
The day you discover the Idyllic Scape,
Its Fairy land gleams with beautiful shapes.
You also see the Buddha shrines,
No aging, nor ailing nor needed supplies.
I muster passengers for a prajna boat now,
Ferrying practicers home against rough billows.
Despite this, some talk down my stanza,
They balk and make Me work harder.
For your sake, I must endure hardships,
I’ve arrived at Bac Lieu, a leg of my trip.
A short farewell to adherents,
Keep praying for Master’s endowment.
Bớt lòng thương nhớ từ đây,
Chẳng nên bịn-rịn để Thầy an tâm.
Nhớ lời dạy dỗ ca ngâm,
Di-Đà sáu chữ trì tâm chớ sờn.
Cuộc trần Thầy tỏ thiệt hơn,
Mấy người bê-trễ chậm chơn tới Thầy.
Nghe theo lời chỉ sau đây,
Lãnh bài cầu nguyện về rày mà tu.
Dạy dân đầu tóc rối bù,
Mà trong bá-tánh hềm-thù chi ta.
Trễ chơn Thầy mắc đi xa,
Hỏi thăm Hương-bộ vậy mà cách tu.
Trăng còn khi tỏ khi lu,
Cho nên phận Lão viễn du đổi dời.
Càng đi càng biết nhiều nơi,
Càng đem chơn-lý tuyệt-vời phổ thông.
Người Khùng trí lại cuồng-ngông,
Cớ sao thế-cuộc lảu thông cũng kỳ,
Xả thân tầm Đạo vô-vi,
Nhiệm-mầu thâm-diệu nan-tri Lão bày.
Cầm hương chắp lại hai tay,
Đưa lên trên trán nguyện bài qui y.
Nguyện rồi xá xuống tức thì,
Cắm hương rồi cũng đứng thì thẳng ngay.
Đọc qua lời nguyện một bài,
Lạy luôn bốn lạy tạ rày tông-gia.
Bàn tay lật ngửa vậy mà,
Chớ đừng lật sấp vì Thầy tái sanh.
Đi xa thì phải dặn rành,
Bàn thông-thiên cũng thiệt hành như y.
Bốn phương đều đọc vậy thì,
Cúi đầu bái tạ từ-bi Phật Trời.
Sớm chiều bình-đẳng chớ lơi,
Thương hành như vậy nhớ lời đừng sai.
Có đau xem thuốc ba bài,
Tâm thành cầu nguyện ắt nay bịnh lành.
Giấy vàng xé nhỏ đành rành,
Để trên bàn Phật chí thành uống ngay.
Thánh Thần phưởng-phất hồn bay,
Ở đâu cũng đến độ rày chúng-sanh.
Con rồng mới nửa gút nanh,
Mà trong bá-tánh thất thanh hãi-hùng.
Chừng nào Thầy lại gia trung,
Thì trong bổn-đạo bóng tùng phủ che.
Trách dân còn tiếc lụa the,
Chẳng làm phước-thiện họa e đến mình.
Hết nhục rồi lại đến vinh,
Nghe không thì cũng mặc tình thế-gian.
Để cho dân-sự luận bàn,
Nếu tu thì phải chọn vàng lừa thau.
Cá to mà phải ở ao,
Muốn ra biển rộng phải nhào kiếm sông.
Một mai dạo được Tây, Đông.
Khắp trong thế-giái thỏa lòng ước-mơ.
Nuôi tằm ắt được nên tơ,
Nếu ta làm phải phước hờ bên lưng.
Núi non rừng thẩm cũng từng.
Bây giờ phiêu lạc ta mừng khắp nơi.
Cho dân đều hiểu cuộc đời,
Thiên-cơ để dạ Lão thời yên thân.
Đại-đồng chuông đạo bon ngân,
Cho người say ngủ tỉnh lần giấc mê.
Biết lo sửa kiểng trồng huê,
Thơm-tho gia-trụ danh đề Tổ-tông.
Bấy lâu lòng những ước-mong,
Cha con hội hiệp thì lòng mới nguôi.
Từ nay ai có tới lui,
Cúi đầu bái Phật lòng vui tu hành.
Xin đừng đeo-đắm lợi-danh,
Bỏ trôi đạo-đức hư danh dạy truyền.
Mai sau được gặp cõi Tiên,
Phỉ tình nguyện ước khỏi phiền lòng ta.
Vài lời để lại khuyến ca,
Truy phong tách gót đường xa xứ người.
Trò buồn Thầy lại tức cười,
Đâu đâu bá tánh cũng người Trời sanh.
Gần xa Thầy chỉ đành-rành,
Quyết tuyển con lành đem lại Phật-gia.
Cáo từ làng xóm trẻ già,
Chúc cầu lạc nghiệp nhà nhà ấm no.
Since the Eighteenth of April, Metal Dragon,
Here the merciful word markedly comes on.
I let the Nhon Nghia village know Master,
Teaching how to climb the heavenly ladder.
Now it is ‘cause of the turn of destiny,
Temporal changes have proven many.
I urge boys and girls, elders and youngsters,
Amida prayer will help get on lotus towers.
If the worldly have paid off their filial debts,
They’ll be rewarded with fragrant blankets.
People named it the Xa No rivulet,
Its Ông Bổn canal mouth has turns and twists.
Long since I left the native village,
Back here I stay over for the mass’s sake.
I wiped off all my material and titular lure,
Firmly from dawn to dusk, I sought the pure.
Formerly during the Shun-Yao era,
Their good rule brought people closer.
Their policies never left people disgruntled,
Unlike now, scripture is mocked by the mortal.
They just care for their attractive look,
They neglect their duties and slur Sainthood.
Heavenly Justice applies in any minute,
The entire world will hereafter be destitute.
I depart leaving a moral behind,
For adherents to practice day and night.
From miles away, at intervals, I watch on,
The worldly are gonna to see an armageddon.
Many frequent Me for talismans and drugs,
No sooner have they left than they’d shrugged.
Seeing their practice being faked, I admonish,
They’ll find peace if they relinquish.
The Supreme don’t wield the power of God,
But use morality no matter if they like or not.
They are unscrupulous and insolent,
Fraudulent, they disregard their parents.
Today having just arrived at Buddha’s shrine,
Only a word prayed, they wanna be fine.
Slowly recovering, they criticize the Holy,
Then they’ll suffer misery after misery.
People esteem the rich and despise the poor,
For self-interest, they’re busy digging others.
Provided they can fill up their pockets,
They keep bluntly executing their rackets.
They even satirise ethical practicers,
Only if they’re satiated and can slumber.
I muse that societal minds are trappy,
Therefore, they still suffer wintry poverty.
The sights of folks put Me in a dreary plight,
Seek the old walking stick to cross the dike.
If not, you may become a homeless,
No place to go to nor a horizon to compass.
The day you discover the Idyllic Scape,
Its Fairy land gleams with beautiful shapes.
You also see the Buddha shrines,
No aging, nor ailing nor needed supplies.
I muster passengers for a prajna boat now,
Ferrying practicers home against rough billows.
Despite this, some talk down my stanza,
They balk and make Me work harder.
I’ve arrived at Bac Lieu, a leg of my trip.
A short farewell to adherents,
Keep praying for Master’s endowment.
For your sake, I must endure hardships,
Since the Eighteenth of April, Metal Dragon,
Here the merciful word markedly comes on.
I let the Nhon Nghia village know Master,
Teaching how to climb the heavenly ladder.
Now it is ‘cause of the turn of destiny,
Temporal changes have proven many.
I urge boys and girls, elders and youngsters,
Amida prayer will help get on lotus towers.
If the worldly have paid off their filial debts,
They’ll be rewarded with fragrant blankets.
People named it the Xa No rivulet,
Its Ông Bổn canal mouth has turns and twists.
Long since I left the native village,
Back here I stay over as my mass base.
I wiped off all my material and titular lure,
Firmly from dawn to dusk, I sought the pure.
Formerly during the Shun-Yao era,
Their good rule brought people closer.
Their policies never left people disgruntled,
Unlike now sutras is mocked by the immoral.
They just care for their attractive look,
They neglect their duties and slur Sainthood.
Heavenly Justice applies in any minute,
The entire world will hereafter be destitute.
I depart leaving a moral behind,
For adherents to practice day and night.
From miles away, at intervals, I watch on,
The worldly are gonna to see an armageddon.
Many frequent Me for talismans and drugs,
No sooner have they left than they’d shrugged.
Seeing their practice being faked, I admonish,
They’ll find peace if they relinquish.
The Supreme don’t wield the power of God,
But use morality no matter if they like or not.
They are unscrupulous and insolent,
Fraudulent, they disregard their parents.
Today having just arrived at Buddha’s shrine,
Only a word prayed, they wanna be fine.
Slowly recovering, they criticize the Holy,
Then they’ll suffer misery after misery.
People esteem the rich and despise the poor,
For self-interest, they’re busy digging others.
Provided they can fill up their pockets,
They keep bluntly executing their rackets.
They even satirise ethical practicers,
Only if they’re satiated and can slumber.
I muse that societal minds are trappy,
Therefore, they still suffer wintry poverty.
The sights of folks put Me in a dreary plight,
Seek the old walking stick to cross the dike.
If not, you may become a homeless,
No place to go to nor a horizon to compass.
The day you discover the Idyllic Scape,
Its Fairy land gleams with beautiful shapes.
You also see the Buddha shrines,
No aging, nor ailing nor needed supplies.
I muster passengers for a prajna boat now,
Ferrying practicers home against rough billows.
Despite this, some talk down my stanza,
They balk and make Me work harder.
For your sake, I must endure hardships,
I’ve arrived at Bac Lieu, a leg of my trip.
Don’t get too emotional for Me ,
I could not go if you keep clinging on.
Remember my sung or chanted lesson,
Amitabha should be mentally constant.
I’ve expounded all worldly things on earth,
Latecomers, go and see Master.
Listen to the following instructions,
Take the prayers home for self-cultivation.
I teach to folks my hair dishevelled,
But why are their carcasms at Me levelled.
I’ve been too behind to travel far,
I check what Huong Bo’s practising methods are.
The moon is at times bright, at times dim,
So, a world-changing quest is for Me to assume.
The further I travel, the more places I know,
The more popular the great truth grows.
I’m a Madman, and also a mind loser.
Strangely, He is world affair knowlegeable.
Endeavor to seek the Wu-Wei Tao,
It is too mystical and let Me expound.
In both hands, clasp and hold up an incence,
On forehead, pray the ‘Taking Refuge’ sequence.
Having done so, lower hands immediately,
After planting the incense, stand erectly.
Read the remainder of the prayer.
Prostrate four times to thank the ancestor.
Open your palms as I recommendated,
Don’t close them up as Master reincarnated.
If you’re away from home, so remember,
On the open-air altar, the practice doesn’t differ.
In four directions, read the same,
Kowtow to and thank Buddha and Supreme.
Dawn and dusk equally, don’t take it lightly,
Regularly observe and practice accordingly.
If you’re unwell, look up my herbal advice,
Pray in good faith and you’ll soon be fine.
Shred yellow paper to tits and bits,
Place on the Buddha altar and drink with belief.
The Deities’ souls are hovering above.
Where they are, they’ll come and help you out.
The dragon has just bared half its fangs,
But it caused a great panic among humans.
When Master has come back home,
The adherents will be under conifers’ dome.
Unfortunately, folks still regret silk and brocade,
Without charity, disaster can’t be evaded.
Where shame ends, fame will come, in a cycle,
No matter if you listen, I don’t bother at all.
I let the public discussion go on,
If they practice, they must strain brass for gold.
If a big fish has to live in a small pond,
It must jump for rivers and swim beyond.
Once they can travel wherever they like,
All the populace will be fully satisfied.
The silkworm farmer must have silk earned.
The do-gooder will have the good returned.
Mountains and jungles I’ve lived through,
Now adrift, I enjoy travelling all over, though.
People need to grasp what the world is,
Only if they know predestiny, I’m at ease.
The cosmpolitan bell of Tao resonates,
For those sound asleep to slowly awake.
Learn how to look after plants and flowers,
This perfumes your family and ancestors.
Till the father and son are reunited,
You feel always unhappy and contrite.
Whoever comes and go from now on,
Bow to Buddha and enjoy self-cultivation.
Don’t cling on to fame and profit,
Or My morals erodes and is discredited.
The day you ascend the Fairy Land,
Your vow is reached, so I no longer complain.
I leave a brief exhortation,
Before chasing winds for a remote destination.
My disciples are sad but their master chuckles,
People over the world are born Natural.
Far and near, Master have all explained,
That I resolve to convert the good mondane.
A farewell to all the villagers,
May you all enjoy peace and prosper.